1. How exercising this way will give you faster results for pain relief in your back, knees, hips.
2. Does exercise work as well as surgery for pain relief?
3. What muscles should you strengthen to decrease back #pain?
4. If you heard of core muscles just being your abdominals, this is a must-know tip to help you relieve pain and make your life easier.
5. How this fluid produces joint pain relief.
6. Study reveals how exercising this body part will decrease knee pain.
7. How does losing 1 lb of weight affect your joints?
Tip 1: Exercise Doesn’t Have to Torture! Slow it Down for Faster Results.
Many people don’t like #exercise because they push themselves too hard and exercise too fast, thinking that’s what they need to do to get good results. But if you want to get stronger, increase flexibility, get better balance, lose weight and/or decrease pain – exercising slower will get you faster results.
Here’s why…
Lifting weight fast is not only ineffective; lifting fast also can cause injury and pain. Lifting and lowering weights slower is more effective than performing the exercise fast because you have to continually exert force to control the weights into position. Therefore, your muscles are forced to contract longer, and you work more muscle rather than momentum. Slow strength training causes your muscles to adapt to the force you are putting on them by building more muscle which causes your body to tone up quicker. Ladies, no worries about getting big bulky muscles; your body doesn’t have as much testosterone as men have, so that won’t happen.
A 2018 report by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality evaluated 8 trials of yoga for low-back pain (involving 1,466 total participants) and found that yoga improved pain and function.
Yoga is performed slowly, and therefore results can be significant for pain relief and improved function.
Tip 2: Does Exercise Work as Well as Surgery?
According to a study with 169 participants, therapeutic exercise can work just as well as surgery with spinal stenosis patients.
Spinal Stenosis is a painful, often disabling narrowing of the spinal canal. As a result, some patients undergo an operation known as surgical decompression.
"Adverse events from surgery range from 15 to 20 percent, with half of those being serious or life-threatening.
Surgery is sometimes necessary. However, therapeutic exercise offers pain-relieving benefits without the adverse effects of surgery.
Tip 3: Muscles that Decrease Back Pain
Weak abdominal muscles will produce back pain. This is because your abdominal muscles help support your back by relieving pressure on your spine. Therefore, strong abdominal muscles are vital for relieving back pain as they are part of your core muscles.
How Core Muscles Help You Function
Core muscles help you get out of bed, get off the toilet, out of a car and help you walk easier. Therefore having strong core muscles makes life easier, which is a great reason to exercise if you’ve ever said, I’m too lazy to exercise.
Tip 4: More (Surprising) Core Muscles
You may be surprised to learn that your core also includes your diaphragm, pelvic floor muscles, hip flexors, and gluteal muscles. Getting these muscles strong should be an essential part of any exercise routine to relieve back pain.
Exercises to Strengthen Your Diaphragm
Your diaphragm is responsible for breathing. When you inhale - the intercostal muscles - that’s the muscles on your rib cage - pull up while your diaphragm pulls down. When you exhale, your intercostal muscles and diaphragm relax. In a nutshell, your intercostal muscles make your chest expand and shrink. So it’s important to perform breathing exercises correctly to strengthen your diaphragm.
Belly Breathing Helps:
Relieve Pain
Speeds Healing
Increases Your Body Ability to Receive Nutrients
Relieves Stress
Improve Ability to Fall Asleep
Activate Your Lymphatic System
Tip 5: Arthritis: Major Cause of Hip Pain
There are many reasons for hip pain. If your doctor recommended exercise as part of your routine for arthritis in your hip, you must do it correctly so you don’t waste months of your time not getting the results you want. A 2017 study of Finnish women with hip OA found that after a 12-week exercise program, pain decreased 30%. Hip strength improved by 20%, and hip range of motion improved by 30%.
Unfortunately, if your arthritis is so severe your doctor recommends a hip replacement, exercises won’t relieve pain. However, it would be best if you still were as active as possible because fit people recover faster. Additionally, being sedentary causes more pain and stiffness.
Tip 6: Exercise Produces Joint Lubricant
Your Body’s Natural Lubricant is called Synovial Fluid
Synovial Fluid Decreases Joint Pain by Cushioning Your Joints
Exercise Increases Synovial Fluid Production
Tip 7: Should I Exercise with Knee Pain?
If you have knee pain, the last thing you may think about to ease the pain is exercise. But, if your doctor says it’s OK to exercise, strengthening the muscles that support your knee is one of the best things you can do.
One of the most important knee-protecting muscles is your quadriceps. If your quadriceps –comprised of 4 muscles on your front thigh) are weak, your knee joints experience more wear and tear. However, when it comes to your knees, you don’t want to just work your knees. Several studies concluded that an exercise program that includes exercises for both the hip and knee helps relieve pain more than focusing just on the knee.
How Much Pressure Does Weight Ad?
Each extra pound equals 3 lbs. of pressure on your knees. This means 10 lbs. puts 30 lbs. of pressure on your knees.
Losing just 10 pounds can significantly decrease pain.

Thank you for taking the time to care for a very important person - YOU! I appreciate you visiting my website and supporting a woman owned business.
Wishing you healthiest blessings,
Suzanne Andrews
President, Healthwise Exercise