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Osteoporosis: 6 Tips for Strong Bones

Writer's picture: Healthwise Exercise Healthwise Exercise
Discover what causes osteoporosis, plus bone-protecting foods, supplements, and how to detect #osteoporosis symptoms. Check out the video and or read the transcription of Osteoporosis: 6 Tips for Stronger Bones.

OSTEOPOROSIS BONE HEALTH: Easy Tips to Build Stronger Bones

44 million people have osteoporosis. 80 percent are women. Here are

simple tips to build stronger bones to prevent fractures, including how much calcium and how to take it for best absorption. Plus, discover these little-known facts about what Your Body Really Does with Calcium, and last but not least, non-dairy foods that are high in calcium. (The high calcium foods are not all dairy).


According to the CDC, falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries

among older adults. In 2018 there were 36 million people over age 65 who had a fall. Out of those people, 8 million required medical help. By 2030, 52 million people are

predicted to experience a fall. Falls are the leading cause of injury-related death

among adults age 65 and older. In addition, if you have osteoporosis – you have a high risk of fracture.

How Many Bones Does Your Body Have?

You have 206 bones in your body. So what do you think all these bones do?

Your Bones are a Savings Account

Think of your bones like a savings account that has a storage vault. 95% of your

body's calcium is stored in your bones.

What Does Your Body do with Calcium?

Calcium is vital for nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and blood clotting. Your

bones are very complex living cells, and all 206 bones in your body need calcium to

stay thick and strong.

Calcium Helps Keep Your Heart Beating!

While calcium is vital for healthy bones, calcium helps your heart contract because your

heart is a muscle. So given a choice between keeping your heart beating or

thinning your bones, your body will withdraw calcium from your bones because your heart must beat to keep you alive. If you don’t have the required amount of

calcium, your bones get thin. That is how you get Osteoporosis.


How To Take Calcium Supplements for Maximum Absorption

I had the opportunity to have Dr. Heather Metchik on my TV show, Functional

Fitness with Suzanne Andrews, and she shared the following calcium supplements

facts for you to get maximum absorption. (Dr. Metchik's interview is on the video. She states to take calcium 2 x a day as the body can't absorb more than 500 mg at a time. She also said to take it with vitamin D for best absorption.

Six Non-Dairy Foods High In Calcium

Studies suggest that most Americans get only ½ of their recommended value of

calcium. Your body can’t produce calcium. And while you are aware that calcium

is in dairy products – not everyone can eat dairy. So what do you do if you’re not

able to digest dairy?

  • 3 ounce can of sardines provides 325 mg

  • 3 Ounces of Salmon has 181 mg. (Plus, Salmon also contains vitamin D, which helps your body absorb calcium).

  • ½ cup dark leafy green salad: 175 mg.

  • 4 ounces of canned baked beans provides 160 mg of calcium

  • 2 cups of Broccoli has 86 mg.

  • One large orange has 74 mg of calcium.

Worst Exercises for Osteoporosis

  • Sit-ups, toe touches, or any exercises that require rounding of your spine

  • Twisting at the Waist

  • Jumping or running, especially on concrete. (Water Exercise is OK to do as there is less impact)

Best Exercise to Strengthen Bones

Resistant training exercises are the best to build strong bones. Why? Resistant

training builds bones and decreases your fall risk. To build bone mass, you

need to overload your muscles with weights. Weights are great for

changing the architecture of your bones; they also are readily available and keep

you more functional with your activities of daily living.

So pick up some weights 3 x a week - every other day - to increase your

bone density. Start with light weights and increase the weight when the weight

feels easier to lift.


How to Heal from Osteoporosis

Unfortunately, most people don't know they have thinning bones until — suddenly and without warning — a twist, a bend, or an unexpected jolt or fall leads to a painful fracture in the hip, spine, or wrist.

If you know someone who has experienced a bone fracture or you yourself have, you know how drastically it can turn your life upside down in an instant.

A hip fracture can make it difficult to drive, get dressed, go to the bathroom or even get out of bed. Likewise, a spinal fracture can result in ongoing pain, stooped posture, and even digestive problems.

The older we get, the more likely we are to experience the devastating effects of osteoporosis — making us more susceptible to potentially devastating fractures and the need for nursing aid care. Unfortunately, an aid is not covered by insurance, and the average cost of an aid is 20-24 per hour. That's one of the many reasons it's better to be proactive instead of reactive.

If you want to help guard yourself against potentially devastating bone fractures and protect your mobility and independence as you grow older, get the Get Stronger Bones DVD which demonstrates exercises as both chair exercises and standing and is specifically designed to strengthen thinning bones and improve your balance.

Simple Exercises You Can Do for Stronger Bones


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As Seen on PBS TV

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